Informatics / Life, health and medical informatics Nanotechnology/Materials / Fundamental physical chemistry Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic compounds and inorganic materials chemistry Nanotechnology/Materials / Fundamental physical chemistry Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic/coordination chemistry
Concrete Structures Building Construction
Civil Enginnering and Architecture Civil Enginnering and Architecture
Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Building structures and materials Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Social systems engineering
Life Science / Functional biochemistry Life Science / Biophysics Nanotechnology/Materials / Chemical biology
Nanotechnology/Materials / Chemical biology Bioorganic chemistry Life Science / Environmental and natural pharmaceutical resources
Life Science / Biodiversity and systematics
Chemical Engineering