Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
Vocabulary acquisition
Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Griffith University
2012.12,Master's Course,Master of Arts,Applied Linguistics,Completed,Australia
Academic Society 【 display / non-display 】
Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
An online archive of digital keyword method images
Scott Sustenance,Literacies and Language Education: Research and Practice,(5(1)),(p.132 ~ 146),2023.03
Effective Ways of Instructing Communicative Language Activities in English Classes
ゲイナー ブライアン、ペレム ジョンガイ、島田 武、塩谷 亨、 サステナンス スコット、山田 祥子,Journal of Language and Culture of Hokkaido,vol.21,(p.131 ~ 138),2023.03
An anthropomorphic kanji-verse: Using mnemonic stories to remember the meaning and writing of Chinese characters
Scott Sustenance,Journal of Language and Culture of Hokkaido,(21),(p.117 ~ 130),2023.03
The Digital Keyword Method in an Analog Classroom
Scott Sustenance,Journal of Language and Culture of Hokkaido,(20),(p.113 ~ 131),2022.03
Approaches to Remote Classes under the COVID-19 Pandemic by Teachers in the College of Liberal Arts
上村浩信、木元浩一、清末愛砂、工藤ローラ、前田潤、森田英章、小野真嗣、ペレム・ジョンガイ、塩谷亨、サステナンス・スコット、山路奈保子,Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology,vol.71,(p.39 ~ 59),2022.03
Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display 】
Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Generating Keyword Sentences: an investigation into student preferences
Scott Sustenance,JALT Vocabulary SIG 2023 Symposium,POSTER SESSION PRESENTATION,2023.10.07,東京国際大学,Japan
Converting Zoom Messages into Participation Points
Scott Sustenance,2023 JALT Hokkaido Language Teaching Conference,25-MINUTE PRESENTATION,2023.02.05,北海学園大学,Japan
Using the Keyword Method in the Classroom
Scott Sustenance,JALT Vocabulary SIG Symposium,POSTER SESSION PRESENTATION,2022.10.29,東京国際大学,Japan
The Digital Keyword Method in an Analog Classroom
Scott Sustenance,JALT PanSIG 2022 Conference,RESEARCH-ORIENTED PRESENTATION,2022.07.08,長野県立大学,Japan
Creating an Online Archive of Digital-Keyword-Method Images
Scott Sustenance,JALT CALL SIG 2022 International Conference - Playful CALL,SHOW & TELL PRESENTATION,2022.06.17,Japan
Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display 】
Education paper 【 display / non-display 】
Approaches to Remote Classes under the COVID-19 Pandemic by Teachers in the College of Liberal Arts
2022.03,上村浩信、木元浩一、清末愛砂、工藤ローラ、前田潤、森田英章、小野真嗣、ペレム・ジョンガイ、塩谷亨、サステナンス・スコット、山路奈保子,室蘭工業大学紀要,vol.71, (p.39-59)