Personnel Information



Affiliation centers1, etc

The Center for Fundamental Education in Science and Engineering

Job title

Associate Professor

E-mail Address

E-mail address

Labo URL

Research field 【 display / non-display

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Human geography

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education

Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display

  • global issues, education, pedagogy, teaching methods

  • sociopolitical, international relations, public space, conflict, peace, urban

Research themes 【 display / non-display

  • Politics of place, contestations, international relations and teaching methods.

    2020 ~ 2024

Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • University College Cork, Department of Geography

    2006.09,Master's program,Graduate School, Division of Humanities,Human Geography,Completed,Ireland

  • University College Dublin, Department of Education

    2010,Master's program,Graduate School, Division of Education,Education,Completed,Ireland

  • Department of Cultural Anthropology, Craft of Ethnography

    2013,Doctor's Course,Graduate School, Division of History and Anthropology,Anthropology,Completed,Sweden

  • Division for Quality Enhancement, Academic Teaching and Learning

    2014,Doctor's Course,Graduate School, Division of Education,Education,Completed,Sweden

  • SLU

    2014,Doctor's Course,Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences,Social Science,Completed,Sweden

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Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • University College Cork

    2006,Faculty of Humanities,MPhil (Research Masters),Graduate,Ireland

  • University College Dublin

    2010,Graduate School of Education ,Postgraduate Diploma (Masters Level) in Education ,Graduate,Ireland

  • Uppsala University

    2016,Faculty of Social Science (Human Geography),PhD,Graduate,Sweden

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Geography

Career 【 display / non-display

  • University Tutor & Departmental Resource Room Manager, Department of Geography, University College Cork, (UCC).

    2002 ~ 2005

  • PhD Candidate, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University.

    2012 ~ 2016

  • Visiting University Teacher (Affiliated), Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University


  • Associate Professor, Muroran IT


Academic Society 【 display / non-display

  • The Royal Geographical Society (RGS with Institute of British Geographers)

  • The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

  • The Association of Japanese Geographers



My research interests focus on three main areas: 1) Geopolitical/sociopolitical research on contestations, peace and conflict related to place. 2) Urban political geographic research linked to cities and public space. 3) Practical pedagogic research in CLIL/EFL contexts, with a special focus on Global Issues (e.g. peace, environment)

Please refer to my Research Map Profile for a comprehensive overview of my academic work. The profile on this website is limited. You can find the link in the 'Summary of Research' section below.

Purpose of Research

Summary of Research

Research Content

Features / Benefits of Research

1.Point of research 2.Research of novelty
3.Primacy of Technology 4.Situation of patent-related

Books 【 display / non-display

  • Encountering, regulating and resisting different forms of children's and young people's mobile exclusion in urban public space

    John Guy Perrem,Geographica Series ,All,(p.102),2016.11,978-91-506-2602-5

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Learning in Motion: Student Perceptions on the Impact of Video Usage

    John Guy Perrem,北海道言語文化研究,(22),(p.1 ~ 20),Article Number:1,2024.03

  • A Study Using Thematic Maps for Vocabulary Acquisition in Japanese and Colombian University English Classes

    John Guy Perrem & Ezana Eyassu Habte-Gabr,Mem. Muroran Inst. Tech.,(73),(p.36 ~ 48),2024.03

  • Considering the catastrophic: Reflections on losing a student and coping strategies

    John Guy Perrem,Speakeasy: The Gunma Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching Annual Journal ,vol.34,(p.6 ~ 15),2023.12

  • Rising to the Challenge: A Creative Approach to Teaching Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in Japanese CLIL/EFL Contexts

    John Guy Perrem,Osaka JALT Journal,vol.10,(p.1 ~ 14),2023.10

  • Getting tactile: A study of plasticine modelling

    John Guy Perrem,Journal of Language and Culture of Hokkaido,vol.21,(p.95 ~ 115),2023.03

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Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display

  • Exploring Peace Together

    John Guy Perrem,The Language Teacher ,vol.48,(4),(p.27 ~ 28),2024.07

  • Skyward Sanctuaries: Exploring the Social Dynamics of Urban Roof Gardens

    John Guy Perrem,Urbanet ,, pgs by length,(p.1 ~ 5),2024.06

  • Urban Space Initiative Tokyo Urban Roof Garden Report

    John Guy Perrem,Urban Space Initiative,(1),(p.1 ~ 19),2024.01

  • Teaching about Urban Child Homelessness: A Growing Global Issue

    John Guy Perrem,Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter (GILE SIG JALT),(126),(p.12 ~ 13),2023.04

  • Navigating urban space: Women's mobility experiences in Dublin in the wake of COVID-19

    John Guy Perrem,T.C.of Urbanism,, pgs by length,(p.1 ~ 15),2023.04

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Research reports 【 display / non-display

  • Effective Ways of Instructing Communicative Language Activities in English Classes

    ゲイナー ブライアン、Perrem John Guy、島田 武、塩谷 亨、サステナンス スコット、山田 祥子,北海道言語文化研究,(21),(p.131 ~ 138),2023.03

Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • Exploring Foreigner Perspectives on Contested Place Names in Okinawa

    John Guy Perrem,Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (International Conference),Osaka School of International Public Policy,2024.05,Japan

  • Peace Under Pressure: A Burning Problem for Northern Ireland

    John Guy Perrem,NERPS 2024 (Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability) ,Navigating Peace and Sustainability in an Increasingly Complex World. ,2024.03,Hiroshima University ,Japan

  • Considering Pedagogical Strategies for Countering Distraction and Its Sources

    John Guy Perrem,The 15th Asian Conference on Education ,ACE,2023.11,Tokyo,Japan

  • Global Issues: Fragile peace, bonfires and sectarianism in Northern Ireland (2 of 2 Research Presentations at this conference.)

    John Guy Perrem,JALT 2023 International Conference ,John Guy Perrem,GILE SIG Forum ,2023.11,Tsukuba International Congress Center,Japan

  • Navigating Loss in the Classroom: Reflections and Practice (1 of 2 Research Presentations at this conference)

    John Guy Perrem,JALT 2023 International Conference ,John Guy Perrem,Teacher and Professional Development,2023.11,Tsukuba International Congress Center,Japan

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Works 【 display / non-display

  • Spaces of Contemplation - Creative Photography Project

    2023,John Guy Perrem,Ireland

  • Urban Space Initiative

    2017,John Guy Perrem


Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display

  • 英語コミュニケーションII


  • 英語コミュニケーションⅠ(Pクラス)


  • 英語コミュニケーションⅠ(Lクラス)


  • 英語コミュニケーションⅠ(Hクラス)


  • 英語コミュニケーションⅠ(Dクラス)


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International research cooperation activities 【 display / non-display

  • Thematic Maps Project

    Colombia,Universidad Externado de Colombia,2022 ~ 2024