Sato Kazuhiko
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational technology
Informatics / Intelligent informatics
Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
e-learning, mobile environment, remote seminar
Intelligent Agent, Decision Making, Psychological Model
Research themes 【 display / non-display 】
Novel Location Information Service for Mobile Terminals
PDA,GPS,Location Information,2002.09 ~ 2005.03
Development of Web-based Support System for Research Activities
Tutor guidance support,Student portfolio,2006.04 ~
Development of a support system for the prior tutor guidance
Knowledge Sharing,Academic Activity Support,Research Retrieval,2010.04 ~
Development of New Flexible Web-based Interface
Web Interface,Infornation Retrieval Support,2010.04 ~
Development of Learning Material Management System based on Japanese Skill of International Student
Learning Support,International Student Support,Learning Material Management,2011.04 ~ 2013.03
Research history 【 display / non-display 】
Decision-making Mechanism of Intellectual Agent
1997.04 ~ 2005.03
Support Algorithms for Grasping Learning Situations in Web-based e-Learning Style
2000.04 ~ 2003.03
Decision-making of Intellectual Agent based on Agent's Psychological Models
2005.04 ~ 2007.03
Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
The University of Aizu
2002.03,Doctoral program,Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, Doctor's Cource,Graduate Department of Computer Systems,Completed,Japan
Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
The University of Aizu
1997.03,Faculty of Computer Science and Technology,Department of Computer Software,Graduate,Japan
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Computer Science and Engineering
New Agent-based Match-Making Methods and Their Applications
Academic Society 【 display / non-display 】
Information Processing Society of Japan
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering
Japan Society for Information and Systems in Education
Council for Improvement of Education through Computers
Japan Socuety ofKansei Engineering
Academic prize 【 display / non-display 】
The grade of Senior Member
2011.05.23,The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
CIEC Best Paper Award
2012.08.04,Community for Innovation of Education and learning through Computers and communication networks (CIEC)
JSEE Achievement Award
2012.08.22,Japanese Society for Engineering Education (JSEE)
第4回実践的IT教育シンポジウム 最優秀論文賞
Purpose of Research
Summary of Research
Features / Benefits of Research
1.Point of research | 2.Research of novelty |
3.Primacy of Technology | 4.Situation of patent-related |
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Understanding Student Learning Behavior: Integrating the Self-Regulated Learning Approach and K-Means Clustering
Buchaputara Pansri, Sandhya Sharma, Suresh Timilsina, Worawudh Choonhapong, Kentarou Kurashige, Shinya Watanabe, Kazuhiko Sato,Education Sciences,vol.14,(12),2024.11
A logistic model for precise tomato fruit-growth prediction based on diameter-time evolution
Stefan Baar, Yosuke Kobayashi, Tatsuro Horie, Kazuhiko Sato, Satoshi Kondo, Shinya Watanabe,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2024.10
The AI-Education Nexus: Constructing a Blueprint for Tomorrow's Learning
Buchaputara Pansri, Vivat Thongchotchat, Kazuhiko Sato,Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives,vol.22,(p.138 ~ 147),2024.10
Enhancing Sika Deer Identification: Integrating CNN-Based Siamese Networks with SVM Classification
Sandhya Sharma, Suresh Timilsina, Bishnu Prasad Gautam, Shinya Watanabe, Satoshi Kondo, Kazuhiko Sato,Electronics,vol.13,(11),2024.05
Review of Firewall Applications in Multi-controller-based Software-defined Networks
Dipak Khatri, Bishnu Prasad Gautam, Kazuhiko Sato,Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies,vol.17,(p.134 ~ 148),2023.11
International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display 】
The AI-Education Nexus: Constructing A Blueprint for Tomorrow's Learning
Buchaputara Pansri, Vivat Thongchotchat, Kazuhiko Sato,15th International Conference of Education, Research & Development ,2024.08,Online (Burgas, Bulgaria)
Feature Extraction and SVM Analysis for Accurate Identification of Individual Sika Deer: a Deep Learning Approach
Sandhya Sharma, Suresh Timilsina, Bishnu Prasad Gautam, Kazuhiko Sato,26th International Conference of Materials, Methods & Technologies ,2024.08,Online (Bulgaria)
Leveraging DISC Personality Principle and Gamification for Enhancing Collaborative Skills in Education: A Conjecture Mapping Approach
Buchaputara Pansri, Vivat Thongchotchat, Kazuhiko Sato,The 7th International Conference on Information Technology (InCIT2023),(p.114 ~ 118),2023.11,Chiang Rai, Thailand
Improvements for Stabilizing the Collaborative e-Learning System on Unstable Environments
Ryohei Ito, Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Ryota Matsuyama, Bishnu Prasad Gautam, Kazuhiko Sato,14th International Conference of Education, Research & Development,2023.08,Online (Burgas, Bulgaria)
Review of Firewall Applications in Multi-controller-based Software-defined Networks
Dipak Khatri, Bishnu Prasad Gautam, Kazuhiko Sato,25th International Conference of Materials, Methods & Technologies,2023.08,Online (Burgas, Bulgaria)
Research reports 【 display / non-display 】
Initial Response of Muroran Institute of Technology to COVID-19 - System Construction for Distance Lectures and Exercises -
佐藤和彦,小川祐紀雄,岡田吉史,澤口直哉,藤本敏行,有村幹治,浅田拓海,湯浅友典,畠中 和明,加野裕,早坂成人,三林光,室蘭工業大学紀要,vol.71,(p.8 ~ 15),2022.03
佐藤和彦,室蘭工業大学紀要,vol.70,(p.81 ~ 88),2021.03
A Case Study of the Course Recommendation System by using User-based Collaborative Filtering
Vivat THONGCHOTCHAT, Sato KAZUHIKO,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,vol.119,(ET-236),(p.21 ~ 26),2019.10
佐藤和彦,服部峻,佐賀聡人,日本ソフトウェア科学会第4 回実践的IT教育シンポジウム(rePiT2018) 論文集,(82),(p.1 ~ 11),2018.01
Design and Implementation of Sustainable e-learning System in an Unstable Community Wireless Mesh Network
Dibesh Shrestha, Kazuhiko Sato,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,vol.114,(121),(p.7 ~ 12),2014.06
Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
プレイヤー特性に対応したゲーム要素を選択可能な英単語学習 アプリケーションの開発
土田崚資,佐藤和彦,情報処理学会第86 回全国大会,情報処理学会,情報処理学会第86 回全国大会予稿集,(p.901-902),2024.03.15,神奈川県,Japan
Discussion on Designing Prototype for Child Centered User Interface for Virtual Reality Tourism
Rakshya Poudel, Kazuhiko Sato,情報処理学会第86 回全国大会,情報処理学会,情報処理学会第86 回全国大会予稿集,(p.893-894),2024.03.15,神奈川県,Japan
工藤健真,佐藤和彦,情報処理学会第86 回全国大会,情報処理学会,情報処理学会第86 回全国大会予稿集,(p.643-644),2024.03.15,神奈川県,Japan
松山 亮太,佐藤 和彦,情報処理学会第85回全国大会,情報処理学会,情報処理学会第85回全国大会予稿集,2023.03.02,東京都
Implementing Firewall Applications in Multi-Controller base Software-Define Network
Dipak Khatri, Kazuhiko Sato,情報処理学会第85回全国大会,情報処理学会,情報処理学会第85回全国大会予稿集,2023.03.02,東京都
Patent acquisition 【 display / non-display 】
Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display 】
Education book 【 display / non-display 】
2020.04,岡田吉史,小川祐紀雄,岸上順一,桑田,2.現代の情報化社会, (p.145),朝倉書店
Education paper 【 display / non-display 】
2019.06,佐藤和彦,服部峻,佐賀聡人,コンピュータ&エデュケーション,vol.46, (p.64-69)
A Practice for Training Practical IT Engineers by Combining Two Different Types of PBL
2018.03,Kazuhiko Sato, Yosuke Kobayashi, Takeshi Shibata, Hidetsugu Suto, Shinya Watanabe, Shun Hattori and Sato Saga,Intelligent Information and Database Systems, ACIIDS2018 Proceedings Part II,vol.10752, (p.159-168)
Improvement and Problems of Learning Environment for Practical Software Development Exercises to En- courage Subjective Learning
2018.01,佐藤和彦,服部峻,佐賀聡人,日本ソフトウェア科学会第4 回実践的IT教育シンポジウム(rePiT2018) 論文集,(82), (p.1-11)
Implementation and Evaluation of Visualized Software Development Exercising to Increase Students' Motivation
2011.12,佐藤和彦,倉重健太郎,岡田吉史,佐賀聡人,コンピュータ&エデュケーション,vol.Vol.31, (p.94-99)
A Simplefied Distance Seminar-Meeting System
2004,向井 誠・ルアンルアンリット サワット・佐藤 和彦・早坂成人・石田 純一・杉岡 一郎,大学情報システム環境研究
International research cooperation activities 【 display / non-display 】
ネパール ,Tribhuvan University of Nepal, Prithvi Narayan Campus ,2024.03
International Collaborative Research Workshop 2023
ネパール,Tribhuvan University of Nepal, Prithvi Narayan Campus,2023.03
Collaborative E-learning System for Unstable Environment
ネパール,Tribhuvan University of Nepal, Prithvi Narayan Campus,2019.12 ~ 2020.01
Joint Research Workshop 2019
ネパール,Tribhuvan University of Nepal, Prithvi Narayan Campus,2019.09
Presentation Program of Zoological Society of Pokhara
Nepal,Tribhuvan University of Nepal, Prithvi Narayan Campus,2017.12