Kano Hiroshi
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Nanotechnology/Materials / Optical engineering and photon science
Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
Optical measurement engineering, Optical microscopy
Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Osaka University
1995.03,Doctoral program,Graduate School, Division of Engineering,Department of Applied Physics,Completed,Japan
Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Osaka University
1990.03,Faculty of Engineering,Department of Applied Physics,Graduate,Japan
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Engineering
Academic Society 【 display / non-display 】
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Optical Society of Japan
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Near-field Optics and Surface Plasmon Polaritons
Hiroshi Kano,Springer,Excitation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons by a Focused Laser Beam,(p.210),2001.04
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Microscopic-characterization of photo-induced birefringence of azo-polymer thin film by focused surface plasmon
Ipsita Chakraborty, Hiroshi Kano,Optics & Laser Technology,vol.147,(p.107673-1 ~ 107673-6),Article Number:107673,2022.03
Characterization of cellophane birefringence due to uniaxial strain by focused surface plasmon microscopy
Ipsita Chakraborty and Hiroshi Kano,OSA Continuum,vol.4,(2),(p.409 ~ 415),2021.01
Microscopic absorption measurement with enhanced sensitivity by using focused surface plasmons
Jun Ning, Hiroki Sato, Aomintanggesi Hereid, Hiroshi Kano,Optics Communications,vol.427,(p.405 ~ 408),2018.11
Refractive index measurement of nanoparticle by immersion refractometry based on a surface plasmon resonance sensor
Hiroshi Kano, Ayumu Iseda, Katja Ohenoja, Ilpo Niskanen,Chem. Phys. Lett.,vol.654,(p.72 ~ 75),2016.05
Label-Free Measurement of Cell–Electrode Cleft Gap Distance with High Spatial Resolution Surface Plasmon Microscopy
Koji Toma, Hiroshi Kano, and Andreas Offenhäusser,ACS Nano,vol.8,(12),(p.12612 ~ 12619),2014.11
International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display 】
Salivary refractive index dependence on circadian rhythm with focused surface plasmon
Ipsita Chakraborty, Hiroshi Kano,Proceedings Volume Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2024, 128540E (2024),Article Number:12854-41,SPIE,2024.03
Single shot birefringence analysis of natural fibers
Ipsita Chakraborty and Hiroshi Kano,Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2021, Technical Digest Series,(p.FM6C.4 ~ ),Optica Publishing Group,2021.11,Washington D. C.
Near-field chicken skin analysis with focused surface plasmon
Ipsita Chakraborty, Hiroshi Kano,European Conferences on Biomedical Optics 2021, Proceedings Volume 11921, Emerging Technologies for Cell and Tissue Characterization,vol.11921,(p.119210H ~ ),Optica Publishing Group,2021.06,Munich
Low birefringence measurement with focused surface plasmon towards label free detection of dermatoheliosis
Ipsita Chakraborty and Hiroshi Kano,Proc. SPIE 11661, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XVIII, 116610D, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XVIII, 116610D,vol.11661,(p.116610D ~ ),SPIE,2021.03,Online
Birefringence analysis of photo-addressable azopolymer thin films from spatial frequency response of focused surface plasmon
Ipsita Chakraborty and Hiroshi Kano,Proc. SPIE 11467, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, Thin Films, and Devices XVII, 114671O,vol.11467,(p.114671O ~ ),SPIE,2020.08,Online
Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display 】
Focused Surface Plasmon for Bio-Sensing and Imaging
加野 裕,Japanese Journal of Optics,vol.49,(12),(p.494 ~ 500),2020.12
High sensitive optical measurement by the use of loclized surface plasmons
加野 裕,Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of Japan,vol.62,(6),(p.296 ~ 300),2011.06
Progress in optics 2009, 8. Optical measurements
加野 裕,Japanese Journal of Optics,vol.39,(4),(p.185 ~ 186),2010.04
Scanning Localized Surface Plasmon Microscope with Radially Polarized Illumination
渡辺 向陽,加野 裕,Japanese Journal of Optics,vol.35,(12),(p.652 ~ 654),2006.12
加野 裕,O Plus E,vol.20,(8),(p.935 ~ 941),1998.08
Research reports 【 display / non-display 】
Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Salivary refractive index dependence on circadian rhythm with focused surface plasmon
Ipsita Chakraborty, Hiroshi Kano,SPIE BiOS 2024,SPIE,Abstract,(p.Paper 12854-41),2024.01.27,San Francisco,United States
アミロイド β タンパク質の凝集初期段階における凝集速度評価に向けた測定手法の検討
松林 大揮,黒滝 晋奈,倉賀野 正弘,徳楽 清孝,加野 裕,Optics & Photonics Japan 2023,日本光学会,Extended Abstracts,2023.11.27,札幌市
Compact and low cost interference lithography based on external cavity diode laser and prism
Daiki Matsubayashi, Agnieszka Gwiazda, Komla Nomenyo, Hiroshi Kano, Gilles Lérondel,SPIE Optics + Photonics, UV and Higher Energy Photonics: From Materials to Applications 2023,SPIE,Abstract,(p.PC12652-14),2023.08.20,San Diego,United States
Characterizing aggregation property of amyloid β protein molecules by using focused surface plasmon
D. Matsubayashi, Y. Kurotaki, K. Tokuraku, H. Kano ,Focus on Microscopy (FOM2023),Abstract Book,2023.04.02,Porto,Portugal
Polymer thin film coating with a thickness in 10-20 nm range on a silver surface of surface plasmon bio-sensor
Akinari Abe, Noguchi Tsuyoshi, Yuma Suenaga, Kenichi Yamazaki, Akitoshi Okino and Hiroshi Kano,The 7th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2022),Abstract of ISBE 2022,2022.11.25,Online,Japan
Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display 】
International research cooperation activities 【 display / non-display 】
Production and analysis of periodic nano structures
France,Technical University of Troyes,2017.09 ~ 2019.12
Surface plamson microscopy of bio-interface
Germany,Forschungszentrum Jülich,2015.03 ~ 2020.03