Ebisu Shuji
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic materials and properties
Nanotechnology/Materials / Applied physical properties
Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems
Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
Physics, Solid State Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Magnetism, Superconductivity
Physics, Solid State Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Magnetism, Superconductivity
Solid State Physics
Physics, Low Temperature Physics
Physics, Solid State Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Magnetism, Superconductivity
Research themes 【 display / non-display 】
Preparation and Physical Properties of Inorganic Compounds
Inorganic Compounds,Magnetism,Superconductivity,1995 ~
Physical Properties of Ternary Rare Earth Compounds
Rare Earth Compounds,Magnetism,Superconductivity,1995 ~
Novel magnetic phase transitions in rare earth sesquisulphides
Rare Earth,Sulphides,Magnetism,2003 ~
Research history 【 display / non-display 】
Research and development of helix-type traveling wave tube
1989.04 ~ 1992.03
Research and development of the thin window of X-ray tube
1992.04 ~ 1993.04
Preparation and Physical properties of inorganic compounds
1993.05 ~
Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Muroran Institute of Technology
1989.03,Master's Course,Graduate School, Division of Engineering,応用物性学専攻,Completed,Japan
Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Muroran Institute of Technology
1987.03,Faculty of Engineering,応用物性学科,Graduate,Japan
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Engineering
希土類酸化物RTa3O9(R=rare earth)の磁化率におよぼす結晶場の影響
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Toshiba corp.
1989.04.01 ~ 1993.04.30
Research associate,Muroran Institute of Technology
1993.05.01 ~ 2006.03.31
Associate Professor,Muroran Institute of Technology
2006.04.01 ~ 2007.03.31
Associate Professor,Muroran Institute of Technology
2007.04.01 ~ 2012.03.31
Professor, Muroran Institute of Technology
2012.04.01 ~
Academic Society 【 display / non-display 】
The Physical Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Rare Earth Society of Japan
Purpose of Research
Summary of Research
Features / Benefits of Research
1.Point of research | 2.Research of novelty |
3.Primacy of Technology | 4.Situation of patent-related |
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Anomalous increasing and recovery of the electrical resistivity and their sample-dependent suppression by the magnetic field in α-Sm2S3.
L. J. Zhao, S. Ebisu,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,vol.620,(p.1 ~ 10),Article Number:172918,2025.02
Successive weak-ferromagnetic transitions in α-Sm2S3.
L. J. Zhao, S. Ebisu,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,vol.557,(p.1 ~ 9),Article Number:169502,2022.05
Novel magnetic behavior of antiferromagnetic GdTe3 induced by magnetic field.
Q. Guo, D. Bao, L.J. Zhao and S. Ebisu,PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER,vol.617,(p.1 ~ 7),Article Number:413153,2021.05
Specific heat in magnetic field and magnetocaloric effects of α-R2S3 (R = Tb, Dy) single crystals.
Q. Guo, O. Tegus and S. Ebisu,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,vol.465,(11),(p.260 ~ 269),2018.11
Extremely anisotropic suppression of huge enhancement of electrical resistivity by magnetic field in α-R2S3 (R = Sm, Dy).
S. Ebisu, T. Era, Q. Guo and M. Miyazaki,Journal of Physics: Conference Series,vol.969,(p.1 ~ 6),Article Number:012124,2018.04
International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display 】
Highly Anisotropic Properties of Antiferromagnetic α-Tb2S3 Single Crystal.
S. Ebisu,M. Gorai, K. Maekawa, S. Nagata,AIP Conf. Proc. (Proc. of 24th Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics,vol.850,(p.1237 ~ 1238),American Institute of Physics,2006,Orlando, USA
Chalcogenide superconducors.
Nagata, N. Kijima, T. Komatsu, H. Hirosaki, A. Matsuda and S. Ebisu,Advances in Superconductivity (Proc. of 10th Int. Sympo. on Superconductivity; ISS '97),vol.X/1,(p.293 ~ 296),Springer-Verlag Tokyo,1998,Gifu,Japan
Superconductivity in Spinel-Type Compounds Cu1-xNixRh2S4.
N. Matsumoto, H. Honma, Y. Kato, S. Yasuzuka, K. Morie, N. Kijima, S. Ebisu and S. Nagata,Advances in Superconductivity IX (Proc. of 9th Int. Sympo. on Superconductivity; ISS '96),vol.IX/1,(p.175 ~ 178),Springer-Verlag Tokyo,1997,Sapporo,Japan
Universal Rare Earth-Size Dependence on Tc in Metal Stabilized Sr-Based 1-2-3 Cuprates.
M. Murugesan, T. Ishigaki and S. Ebisu,Proc. of Int.Symp. on Advances in Superconductivity. New Materials, Critical Currents and Devices; ASMCCD'96,(p.76 ~ 79),1996,Bombay,India
Evidence for Superconductivity in RuSb.
S. Ebisu, N. Wada, T. Hashiguchi, N. Kijima and S. Nagata,Advances in Superconductivity VIII (Proc. of 8th Int. Sympo. on Superconductivity; ISS'95),vol.VIII/1,(p.181 ~ 184),Springer-Verlag Tokyo,1996,Hamamatsu,Japan
Research reports 【 display / non-display 】
Aiming for High Performance Magnetocaloric Materials
戎修二, 阿波加淳司, 藤耕一郎,室蘭工業大学紀要,vol.63,(p.33 ~ 36),2014.03
High field magnetization processes in rare-earth sesquisulphides α-R2S3 (R: rare earth) (2)
戎修二, 小山佳一, 小北正徳, 堀越達彦, 河内良行, 谷村知紀, 永田正一,東北大学金属材料研究所強磁場超伝導材料研究センター平成21年度年次報告,vol.平成21年度,(p.94 ~ 97),2010.06
High field magnetization processes in rare-earth sesquisulphides α-R2S3 (R: rare earth)
戎修二, 小山佳一, 表晴貴, 小北正徳, 堀越達彦, 永田正一,東北大学金属材料研究所強磁場超伝導材料研究センター平成20年度年次報告,vol.平成20年度,(p.89 ~ 92),2009.06
High-field control of independent magnetic-phase transitions on two kinds of different sites of rare-earth magnetic semiconductors (2)
戎修二, 小山佳一, 表晴貴, 永田正一,東北大学金属材料研究所強磁場超伝導材料研究センター平成19年度年次報告,vol.平成19年度,(p.59 ~ 61),2008.06
High-field control of independent magnetic-phase transitions on two kinds of different sites of rare-earth magnetic semiconductors
戎修二, 小山佳一, 永田正一,東北大学金属材料研究所強磁場超伝導材料研究センター平成18年度年次報告,vol.平成18年度,(p.77 ~ 80),2007.06
Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Synthesis and magnetic properties of Ce and Cu substituted La2NiO4+δ.
寺島思唯, 宮崎正範, 戎修二,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年),(社)日本物理学会,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年)概要集,(p.p. 3367 (18aPS-79)),2024.09.16,北海道・札幌市
Study of spin-orbit interaction effect in d1-electron systems of RP-type oxides by ab-initio calculations.
藤村佳紀, 宮崎正範, 戎修二,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年),(社)日本物理学会,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年)概要集,(p.p. 3368 (18aPS-80)),2024.09.16,北海道・札幌市
Electron-doping of K2NiF4-type strontium titanate LaxSr2-xTiO4 and density of states.
宮崎正範, 阿部大輝, 中里直史, 戎修二,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年),(社)日本物理学会,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年)概要集,(p.p. 3367 (18aPS-79)),2024.09.16,北海道・札幌市
Upper critical field and multiband effect in superconducting Ir3Te8 single crystal.
安塚周磨, 宮崎正範, 戎修二, 松本信洋, 永田正一,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年),(社)日本物理学会,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年)概要集,(p.p. 3288 (18aPS-14)),2024.09.16,北海道・札幌市
Complication of easy-magnetization axis and electrical resistivity of α-Dy2S3.
Muhamad Anif Bin Mat Nasir, 小名武流, 高橋永久, 宮崎正範, 戎修二,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年),(社)日本物理学会,日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年)概要集,(p.p. 3149 (16aPS-66)),2024.09.16,北海道・札幌市
Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display 】