Personnel Information


Kishimoto Hirotatsu

The master's program in charge

Division of Production Systems Engineering

The doctoral program in charge

Division of Engineering

The department in charge

Department of Sciences and Informatics

Job title


E-mail Address

E-mail address

Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • Tohoku University

    1993,Faculty of Engineering,材料物性工学科,Graduate,Japan

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • 博士(エネルギー科学)

Academic Society 【 display / non-display

  • 日本原子力学会

  • 日本セラミックス協会

  • 日本金属学会




Purpose of Research


炭化ケイ素(SiC)複合材料は,「軽量」かつ「優れた耐熱性」をもち,金属材料では耐えられない高温においても,構造材料として求められる「強度」「耐酸化性」「耐摩耗性」を発揮する。新しく杯初されなNITE SiC/SiC複合材料は大型部材の作製技術,形状自由度の確保,接合技術など様々な要求の全てをクリアできる材料である。金属材料に替わる構造材料として炭化ケイ素(SiC)複合材料を作成する。

Summary of Research



Research Content

Features / Benefits of Research

1.Point of research 2.Research of novelty
  • 軽量で優れた耐熱性と高温強度
  • 酸化・腐食への耐性強化
  • SiC/SiC複合材料の成形型
  • 高結晶化SiC繊維
3.Primacy of Technology 4.Situation of patent-related
  • 複雑な形状の高温セラミックス部材の製作

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Effects of size and static temperature exposure on the shear strength of tungsten bonded CFC blocks for divertor in JT-60SA

    Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Naofumi Nakazato, Joon-Soo Park, Sang-Hyun Jung, Masakatsu Fukumoto,FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,vol.201 ,Article Number:114279,2024.02

  • Effect of the fabrication process on the microstructural evolution of carbon fibers and flexural property on C/SiC composites by the NITE method

    Sang-Hyun Jung, Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Naofumi Nakazato, Daisuke Nakata, Joon-Soo Park, Akira Kohyama,Ceramics International,vol.48,(p.32712 ~ 32722),2022.07

  • Silicon dissolution and morphology modification of NITE SiC/SiC claddings in pressurized flowing water under neutron irradiation

    Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Joon-Soo Park, Naofumi Nakazato, Akira Kohyama,Journal of Nuclear Materials,vol.557,Article Number:153253,2021.08

  • Microstructural stability of tungsten coated CFC plates aiming to metal Wall experiments at JT-60SA

    Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Wataru Kondo, Naofumi Nakazato, Masakatsu Fukumoto,FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,vol.161,Article Number:111887,2020.12

  • Simultaneous effects of dissolved oxygen and applied stress on surface morphology of steels for cooling systems of blanket module in pressurized water

    Naofumi Nakazato, Hiroki Mima, Taisei Nemoto, Motoki Nakajima, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Hirotatsu Kishimoto,FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,vol.159,Article Number:111681,2020.10

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International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display

  • Development of caulked joint between zircaloy and SiC/SiC composite tubes by using diode laser

    H. Serizawa, M. Tsukamoto, Y. Asakura, J-S. Park, A. Kohyama, H. Motoki, D. Tanigawa, H. Kishimoto,Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings,vol.37,(6),(p.73 ~ 82),American Ceramic Society,2017

  • Irradiation project of SiC/SiC fuel pin “INSPIRE": Status and future plan

    A. Kohyama and H. Kishimoto,Nuclear Science, Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems(SMINS-3), Workshop Proceedings, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, United States, 7-10 October 2013,(9),(p.215 ~ 222),OECD/NEA,2015

  • Advanced SiC/SiC Rotating Target for DeeMe by NITE Method

    D. Hayasaka, C. Kanda, H. Kishimoto, A. Kohyama, S. Makimura and M. Aoki,Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Science at J-PARC, JPS Conf. Proc.,(8),(p.031018 ~ ),2015

  • SiC/SiC fuel cladding R&D project “SCARLET": Status and future plan

    H. Kishimoto* and A. Kohyama,Nuclear Science, Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems(SMINS-3), Workshop Proceedings, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, United States, 7-10 October 2013,(9),(p.233 ~ 240),OECD/NEA,2015

  • Present Status of SiC Component R & D for “DeeMe" Rotating Target

    C. Kanda, J. S. Park, H. Kishimoto, S. Makimura, M. Aoki and A. Kohyama,Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Science at J-PARC, JPS Conf. Proc.,(p.031020 ~ ),2015

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Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display

  • 室蘭工業大学OASISにおける環境・エネルギー材料研究

    岸本弘立、香山晃,保全学,vol.13,(4),(p.9 ~ 13),2015.01

  • 小特集原型炉実現に向けた低放射化フェライト鋼研究開発の進展 4. 低放射化フェライト鋼接合技術の現状と課題

    廣瀬貴規、芹澤久、岸本弘立、荻原寛之、藤井英俊、長坂琢也、笠田竜太、野澤貴史、谷川博康、芝清之,プラズマ核融合学会誌,vol.87,(3),(p.172 ~ 180),2011

Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • NITE C/SiC複合材料の靭性と炭素繊維微細組織の相関についての基礎検討

    岸本 弘立 、Jung Sang-Hyun,日本金属学会2024年春期講演大会,日本金属学会2024年春期講演大会予稿集,2024.03.12,東京理科大学葛飾キャンパス

  • F82H/SUS316L 異材継手の水腐食特性に関する基礎的検討


  • 原子力用NITE SiC/SiC 複合材料の特性評価に及ぼすSiC 繊維の影響

    岸本弘立,木村将基,Jung Sang Hyun,日本原子力学会北海道支部 第41回研究発表会,日本原子力学会北海道支部 第41回研究発表会予稿集,2024.03.08,北海道大学(オンライン)

  • Effects of Size and Static Temperature Exposure on the Shear Strength of Tungsten Bonded CFC Blocks for Divertor in JT-60SA

    Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Naofumi Nakazato, Joon-Soo Park, Sang-Hyun Jung, Masakatsu Fukumoto,15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15),Proceedings of ISFNT-15,2023.09.10,Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,Spain

  • Carbon Fiber Character Dependence of Mechanical Property of NITE C/SiC Composites

    SangHyun Jung, Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Naofumi Nakazato, Joon-Soo Park, Akira Kohyama,11th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (HT-CMC 11),Proceedings of HT-CMC 11,2023.08.27,Jeju,Korea, Republic of

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Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display

  • 材料科学A(前半8週)


  • 応用力学B(後半8週)


  • 応用力学A(前半8週)


  • 理工学技術者倫理(物理物質システムコース)


  • 力学A(前半8週)


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