YAMADA Yoshiko
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics
Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
Descriptive Linguistic
Tungusic Languages
Sakhalin (Karafuto)
Language Documentation
Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Hokkaido University
2008.03,Master's Course,Graduate School, Division of Letters,歴史地域文化学専攻,Completed,Japan
Hokkaido University
2012.03,Doctor's Course,Graduate School, Division of Letters,Coursework completed without degree,Japan
Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Hokkaido University
2006.03,Faculty of Literature,Graduate,Japan
Career 【 display / non-display 】
Assistant Curator, Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples, Hokkaido Board of Education
2011.11.01 ~ 2022.09.30
Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2009.04.01 ~ 2011.03.31
Academic Society 【 display / non-display 】
The Japan Association of Siberian Studies
Hokkaido Ethnological Society
Japan Association of Northern Language Studies
The Linguistic Society of Japan
Academic prize 【 display / non-display 】
Language and Culture of the Uilta, an Indigenous People of Sakhalin
Purpose of Research
Summary of Research
Features / Benefits of Research
1.Point of research | 2.Research of novelty |
3.Primacy of Technology | 4.Situation of patent-related |
Books 【 display / non-display 】
The Tungusic Languages
TSUMAGARI, T. & Y. YAMADA,Routledge,Uilta,(p.572),2023.08,9781138845039
ゴールデンカムイ 絵から学ぶアイヌ文化
山田祥子,集英社,コラム3 北方少数民族ウイルタの生活と文化,(p.559),2024.02,9784087213027
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
On the legend of the 'Taraika Conflict' handed down by the Sakhalin indigenous peoples
YAMADA, Yoshiko,Altai Hakpo,(34),(p.37 ~ 70),2024.06
Verbal Suffix -lu- in the Northern Dialect of Uilta
山田祥子,Northern Language Studies,(14),(p.331 ~ 350),2024.03
Literature Created by the Uilta from Sakhalin Island (1)
山田祥子,Journal of Language and Culture of Hokkaido,(22),(p.103 ~ 120),2024.03
Sound Materials of the Ewenki Language
山田祥子(採録・訳注),Northern Language Studies, Extra Issue,(1),(p.1 ~ 107),2023.03
A Text in the Northern Dialect of Uilta: Mother
山田祥子,Journal of Language and Culture of Hokkaido,vol.21,(p.1 ~ 16),2023.03
International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display 】
Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display 】
山田祥子,Catalogue of the 37th Special Exhibition at the Hokkaido Museum of the Northern Peoples: Inuit Wall Hangings and Indigenous Arts,(p.38 ~ 41),2022.07
バーバ・カーチャと私:エベンキのトナカイ牧者E. A. ボリソワさんから教わったこと
山田祥子,北海道立北方民族博物館第36回特別展図録:トナカイと暮らすータイガの遊牧民たち,(p.24 ~ 30),2021.07
内側の名前 ウイルタ語
山田祥子,世界の名前,(p.147 ~ 149),2016.03
第2章 ウイルタ語
山田祥子,水・雪・氷のフォークロア:北の人々の伝承世界,(p.26 ~ 43),2014.03
Research reports 【 display / non-display 】
<Comments on Materials> Prof. Ikegami Jirōs Sound Materials in the Collection of Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples: a List of References (Publication Series of Ikegami Bunko 2)
山田祥子,北海道立北方民族博物館研究紀要,(32),(p.57 ~ 87),2023.03
Effective Ways of Instructing Communicative Language Activities in English Classes
ゲイナー ブライアン、ペレム ジョンガイ、島田武、塩谷亨、サステナンス スコット、山田祥子,北海道言語文化研究,vol.21,(p.131 ~ 138),2023.03
<Comments on Materials> Prof. Ikegami Jirō's Notebooks in the Collection of Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples: a List of References (Publication Series of Ikegami Bunko 1)
山田祥子,北海道立北方民族博物館研究紀要,(31),(p.85 ~ 115),2022.03
Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Ethnobotany on Sakhalin: 19th century and present
Hidetoshi Shiraishi, Miki Mizushima, Itsuji Tangiku, Yoshiko Yamada, and Martijn Knapen,Workshop: Linguistic Prehistory and Ecology in the Northern Pacific Rim,Books of Abstracts (Workshop: Linguistic Prehistory and Ecology in the Northern Pacific Rim),(p.6),2024.08.28,Jena, Germany,Germany
Problems about future tense in the northern dialect of Uilta: Focusing on the origin of verb ending -li
On the legend of 'Taraika Conflict' handed down by the Sakhalin indigenous peoples
YAMADA, Yoshiko,The 16th Seoul International Altaistic Conference,The Altaic Society of Korea,Proceedings of the 16th Seoul International Altaistic Conference,(p.49-71),2023.07.21,Seoul,Korea, Republic of
Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display 】