Kusumoto Kenta
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Thermal engineering
Material engineering
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Mechanics of materials and materials
Nanotechnology/Materials / Material processing and microstructure control
Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
Research themes 【 display / non-display 】
Research on erosion wear
Wear,Erosion,2009.04 ~
Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Muroran Institute of Technology
2015.03,Doctoral program,Graduate School, Division of Engineering,Chemical and Material Engineering,Completed,Japan
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Dr. (Eng.)
Erosive wear characteristics of multi-component cast irons
Academic Society 【 display / non-display 】
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Japan Foundry Engineering Society
Books 【 display / non-display 】
HIGH-CHROMIUM CAST IRONS:Structure and Properties
Kazumichi Shimizu,Vasily G.Efremenko,Alexander P.Cheiliakh,Yuliia G.Chabak,Taniana V.Pastukhova,Kenta Kusumoto,(株)昇夢虹,(p.208),2021.06,9784991132414
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Abrasive Wear Characteristics of High-Cr Multicomponent White Cast Irons at Elevated Temperatures
Mohammad Jobayer Huq, Kazumichi Shimizu and Kenta Kusumoto,Crystals,2025.01
Erosive Wear Characteristics of High Cr Multi-Component White Cast Irons at Elevated Temperature
Mohammad Jobayer Huq, Kazumichi Shimizu, Kenta Kusumoto and Yila Gaqi, Riki Hendra Purba,International Journal of Metalcasting,2024.12
Solvent Effects on Particle Size of Alumina Produced by Corrosion and Sol-Gel Method
Daichi Sasaki, Zhang Xiong, Yoshihiko Oishi, Kenta Kusumoto and Hideki Kawai,Materials Transactions,vol.65,(8),(p.941 ~ 945),2024.07
中橋 篤、柳沢 祐介、鹿野 誠、清水 一道、楠本 賢太,鋳造工学,vol.96,(6),(p.293 ~ 298),2024.06
Effect of carbide refinement on high temperature erosive wear behavior of high chromium white cast iron with different titanium and carbon additions
Kenta Kusumoto, Kazumichi Shimizu, Riki Hendra Purba, Yudai Momma,Materials Today Communications,vol.39,Article Number:109276,2024.05
International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display 】
Measurement of silica-sand slurries in rotating flows by ultrasound velocity profiler
Sho Osanai, Yoshihiko Oishi, Kenta Kusumoto, Naruki Shoji, Hiroshige Kikura and Hideki Kawai,The 12th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Proceedings of ISMTMF 2023,(p.1 ~ 3),Article Number:B16,2023.11,Tokyo, Japan
Measurement of silica-sand behavior around rotating square cylinder in a circular container by ultrasound velocity profiler
Yoshihiko Oishi, Sho Osanai, Hideki Kawai, Hiroshige Kikura, Kenta Kusumoto,Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering,(p.27 ~ 30),2023.10,Kobe, Japan
Tambang Manik, Masahiro Sakai, Yoshihiko Oishi, Riky Stepanus Situmorang, Yusuke Nishikawa, Kenta Kusumoto and Hideki Kawai
Ant Nest Corrosion Observation of Copper Using Ultrafine 4D X-ray CT,The 17th Asian Symposium on Visualization,2023.06,Tokyo, Japan
Influence of Ni Content on Erosive Wear and Destabilization Heat Treatment Conditions Behavior of Multi Component White Cast Iron
Kenta Kusumoto, Kazumichi Shimizu,The 6th International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME 2019),2019.10,Singapore
Erosive wear characteristics of multi-component white cast iron and carbide formation process in matrix
Yuki Igarashi,Kazumichi Shimizu,Kenta Kusumoto,Jun Ito,Masato Shirai,Hideto Matsumoto,The 7th Japan-Korea workshop for young foundry engineers,2018.10,Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display 】
Research reports 【 display / non-display 】
Erosive Wear Characteristics of Ti and C Added High Cr White Cast Irons
Mohammad Jobayer Huq, Kazumichi Shimizu, Kenta Kusumoto,第2回クリエイティブコラボレーションセンターワークショップ,2023.03
Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
岡響,WANG HONGXIN,大石義彦,佐々木大地,楠本賢太,河合秀樹,日本機械学会北海道学生会,第53回学生員卒業研究発表講演会論文集,2024.03.02,北海道・函館市
山王千広,河合秀樹,大石 義彦,楠本賢太,佐藤森,第33 回化学工学・粉体工学研究発表会,講演要旨,(p.35-38),2024.01.26,北海道・千歳市
Effect of carbide grain size on high temperature erosive wear characteristics of high-chromium white cast iron
Kenta Kusumoto, Kazumichi Shimizu, Riki Hendra Purba, Yila Gaqi,The 16th Asian Foundry Congress,Extended Abstract of AFC16,2023.12.03,Hokkaido, Muroran,Japan
Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display 】