Takahashi Kazuhiro
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Power engineering
Energy Engineering / Applied plasma science
High Voltage Engineering
Energy Engineering / Fundamental plasma
Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
gas treatment
Reactive Oxygen/Nitrogen Species
atmospheric pressure discharge
Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Muroran Institute of Technology
2011.03,Master's program,Graduate School, Division of Engineering,Division of Information and Electronic Engineering,Completed,Japan
Muroran Institute of Technology
2014.03,Doctoral program,Graduate School, Division of Engineering,Division of Production and Information Systems Engineering,Completed,Japan
Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
Muroran Institute of Technology
2009.03,Faculty of Engineering,Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Graduate,Japan
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Engineering
Studies on plasma reforming of biogas and hydrogen generation by atmospheric-pressure discharge plasma
Career 【 display / non-display 】
旭川工業高等専門学校 機械システム工学科 非常勤講師
2014.04 ~ 2015.03
Postdoctral Fellow, Center of Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation for Advanced Research, Muroran Institute of Technology
2014.04.01 ~ 2015.06.30
Academic Society 【 display / non-display 】
Institute of Electrical Engineering Japan
The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
Japan Society of Applied Physics
Academic prize 【 display / non-display 】
Best presentation award
2012.12.10,The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical Engineers
JSED2014 Poster Prize
2014.03.07,Center of Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation for Advanced Research, Muroran Institute of Technology
Best presentation award
2014.08.21,IEEJ Fundamentals and Materials
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Effects of water injection on reaction temperature and hydrogen production in horizontal co-axial underground coal gasification
Rika IRIGUCHI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fa-qiang SU, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Ken-ichi ITAKURA, Kazuhiro TAKAHASHI, Jun-ichi KODAMA, Gota DEGUCHI,Scientific Reports,vol.14,Article Number:25551,2024.10
Data-driven discovery of electron continuity equations in electron swarm map for determining electron transport coefficients in argon
Satoru Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, and Kohki Satoh,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,vol.56,(p.244003 ~ ),2023.04
Experimental study on evaluation of underground coal gasification with a horizontal hole using two different coals
Akihiro Hamanaka, Fa-qiang Su, Ken-ichi Itakura, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Jun-ichi Kodama, Gota Deguchi,Fuel,vol.305,Article Number:121556,2021.08
Visualizing Spatiotemporal Temperature Variation for Estimating H+aq Distribution by Pulsed Discharge Plasma Exposure
Kohshi Tsuda, Kazuhiro Takahashi, and Kohki Satoh,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,vol.49,(5),(p.1739 ~ 1744),2021.05
Measurement of the third-order transport coefficient in N2 and its effect on the longitudinal diffusion coefficient measured from the arrival-time spectra of an electron swarm
Satoru Kawaguchi, Noriyuki Nakata, Kazushi Satoh, Kazuhiro Takahashi, and Kohki Satoh,PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,vol.30,(3),(p.035006 ~ ),2021.03
International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display 】
Determination of electron transport coefficients in synthetic air using physics-informed neural networks
Rosei Tomizawa, Satoru Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Kohki Satoh,Proceedings of the 8th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Leading Science and Technology ,2024.12,Muroran, Japan
How Physics-Informed Neural Networks are Utilized for Accurate Calculations and Measurements of Electron Transport Properties in Gases
Satoru Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Kohki Satoh,Proceedings of Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics,2024.11,Sendai, Japan
Physics-informed neural networks for calculation and measurement of fundamental data on electron transport in plasmas
Satoru Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, and Kohki Satoh,Abstracts of 77th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference,Bulletin of the American Physical Society,2024.09,San Diego, USA
Physics-informed neural networks for studies on electron swarms in gases
Satoru Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, and Kohki Satoh,Abstracts of 32nd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases,2024.08,Belgrade, Serbia
Electron collision cross section set of O2
Satoru Kawaguchi, Yume Iwabe, Kazuhiro Takahashi, and Kohki Satoh,Abstracts of 26th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases,(p.218 ~ 219),2024.07,Brno, Czech Republic
Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display 】
Research reports 【 display / non-display 】
Estimation of Combustion and Gasification Volume in Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Process by means of AE Monitoring
板倉 賢一,濵中 晃弘,蘇 発強,猪股 英紀,佐藤 孝紀,高橋 一弘,出口 剛太,児玉 淳一,室蘭工業大学紀要,vol.66,(p.29 ~ 37),2017.03
Measurement and Rate-equation Analysis of Reactive Oxygen/nitrogen Species in Water Under Pulsed Discharge Exposure
Kazuhiro Takahashi, Satoru Kawaguchi, Kohki Satoh, Hidenori Itoh, Hideki Kawaguchi, Igor Timoshkin, Martin Given, and Scott MacGregor,34th Symposium on Plasma Processing/The 29th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials,2017.01
Electron Collision Cross Sections of C2F4 Gas
Satoru Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Kohki Satoh, Hidenori Itoh,34th Symposium on Plasma Processing/The 29th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials,2017.01
TMS vapourおよびTEOS vapourの電子衝突断面積
川口 悟,佐藤孝紀,高橋一弘,伊藤秀範,電気学会放電研究会資料,(p.29 ~ 34),2016.03
Generation characteristics of ROS/RNS in plasma-exposed water
高橋 一弘,佐藤 孝紀,伊藤 秀範,川口 秀樹,Igor Timoshkin, Martin Given, Scott MacGregor,電気学会プラズマ・放電・パルスパワー合同研究会資料,(p.9 ~ 14),2015.06
Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
河合 頼芽,濵中 晃弘,板倉 賢一,出口 剛太,高橋 一弘,児玉 淳一, 濱 幸雄,金 志訓,笹岡 孝司,島田 英樹,第16 回岩の力学国内シンポジウム,一般社団法人岩の力学連合会,第16 回岩の力学国内シンポジウム 講演集,(p.211-216),2025.01.14,熊本県・熊本
Determination of electron transport coefficients in synthetic air using physics-informed neural networks
Rosei Tomizawa, Satoru Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Kohki Satoh,The 8th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Leading Science and Technology ,Proceedings of the 8th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Leading Science and Technology ,2024.12,Muroran,Japan
Studies on weakly ionized gas plasma (CLXXIII) Estimation of electron collision cross sections using neural networks
吉川 翔馬,髙橋 一弘,川口 悟,佐藤 孝紀,令和6年度 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会, 電子情報通信学会,電気学会,照明学会,電気設備学会,映像情報メディア学会 各北海道支部,IEEE札幌支部,令和6年度 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集,(p.223-224),2024.11,北海道・札幌
How Physics-Informed Neural Networks are Utilized for Accurate Calculations and Measurements of Electron Transport Properties in Gases
Satoru Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Kohki Satoh,Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics,Proceedings of Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics,2024.11,Sendai,Japan
Studies on weakly ionized gas plasma (CLXXIV) Determination of electron transport coefficients in synthetic air by discovering electron continuity equations
冨澤 諒成,川口 悟,髙橋 一弘,佐藤 孝紀,令和6年度 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会, 電子情報通信学会,電気学会,照明学会,電気設備学会,映像情報メディア学会 各北海道支部,IEEE札幌支部,令和6年度 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集,(p.225-226),2024.11,北海道・札幌
Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display 】