Personnel Information


Goto Yoshihiko

The master's program in charge

Division of Sustainable and Environmental Engineering

The doctoral program in charge

Division of Engineering

The department in charge

Department of Engineering

Job title

Associate Professor

Research field 【 display / non-display

  • Civil Engineering

Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display

  • volcano, disaster, civil engineering

Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • Hokkaido University

    1989.09,Others,Graduate School, Division of Natural Science,地質学鉱物学専攻,Dropout,Japan

Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • Hokkaido University

    1987.03,Faculty of Science,地質学鉱物学科,Graduate,Japan

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • 博士(理学)

    Volcanic Geology and tectonic evolution of the Shiretoko Peninsula, East Hokkaido, Japan

Academic Society 【 display / non-display

  • 日本地質学会

  • 日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会

  • 日本火山学会


Books 【 display / non-display

  • Subaqueous Volcanism From Ancient Successions to Modern Volcanoes and Modelling

    Yoshihiko Goto, Akihiko Tomiya,Frontiers Media SA,(p.157),2020.05,2889636992, 97828896

  • 地学事典:倶多楽カルデラ


  • 地学事典:斜里岳火山


  • 地学事典:天頂山火山


  • 札幌の自然を歩く


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Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Report of the Cities on Volcanoes 11 Post-conference Field Trip at Santorini Volcano in 2022

    後藤 芳彦, 辻 智大, 大湊 隆雄,Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan,vol.68,(4),(p.245 ~ 255),2023

  • Evolution of the Quaternary silicic volcanic complex of Shiribetsu, Hokkaido, Japan: an example of ignimbrite shield volcanoes in an island arc setting

    Yoshihiko Goto , Masaaki Miyoshi, Tohru Danahra, Akihiki Tomiya,International Journal of Earth Sciences,vol.109,(8),(p.1 ~ 24),2020.07

  • Catastrophic sector collapse at Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan: failure of a young edifice built on soft substratum

    Yoshihiko Goto, Tohru Danahara, Akihiko Tomiya,Bulletin of Volcanology,vol.81,(p.37 ~ ),2019.05

  • Internal Structures and Growth Style of a Quaternary Subaerial Rhyodacite Cryptodome at Ogariyama, Usu Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan

    Yoshihiko Goto, Akihiko Tomiya,Frontiers in Earth Science,2019.04

  • 第 7 回陥没カルデラワークショップ報告

    上澤真平, 後藤芳彦, 三浦大助, 富島千晴, 安田裕紀,Bulletin of the volcanological Society of japan,vol.64,(p.183-187 ~ ),2019

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International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display

  • Intracaldera morphology and geology of Toya caldera, Hokkaido, Japan

    Yoshihiko Goto, Akihiko Tomiya, Ralf Gertisser,8th International Workshop on Collpase Calderas,(p.17),2023.09,イタリア

  • Evolutional history of Toya caldera, Hokkaido, Japan: since 1.6 Ma to the present.

    Goto, Y., Danhara, T. and Tomiya, A.,27th IUGG General Assembly (Montreal, Canada, 8-18, July, 2019),27th IUGG General Assembly (Montreal, Canada, 8-18, July, 2019),2019.07,Montreal, Canada

  • Internal structures and growth style of a Quaternary subaerial rhyodacite cryptodome at Ogariyama, Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan

    Goto, Y. and Tomiya, A.,27th IUGG General Assembly (Montreal, Canada, 8-18, July, 2019),27th IUGG General Assembly (Montreal, Canada, 8-18, July, 2019),2019.09,Montreal, Canada

  • Pre-eruptive magma dynamics of the climactic 110ka eruption of Toya caldera, Japan.

    Tomiya, A., Goto, Y., Danhara, T., and de Silva, S. ,JpGU2019 (Chiba, Japan, 26-30, May, 2019) ,JpGU2019 (Chiba, Japan, 26-30, May, 2019) ,2019.05

  • Eruptive history of Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, revealed by multiple trench surveys

    Yoshihiko Goto, ,IAVCEI2023,2023.01

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Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • Eruptive history of Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, as reveraled by trench surveys of the Higashi-maruyama cryptodome

    Yoshihiko Goto, Akihiko Tomiya,Cities on Volcanoes 12,Cities on Volcanoes,Cities on Volcanoes 12,2024.02.12,Antigua,Guatemala

  • Emplacement age of the Higashi-Maruyama cryptodome at Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan

    後藤 芳彦, 石川 天晟, 佐藤 康大, 東宮 昭彦,日本火山学会,日本火山学会講演予稿集,(p.50-50),2023.10.20,鹿児島

  • Geology of Mount Konpira-yama, Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan:Finding of pseudo pillows

    後藤 芳彦, 東宮 昭彦,日本火山学会,日本火山学会講演予稿集,(p.154-154),2023.10.19,鹿児島

  • Intracaldera morpholgy and geology of Toya caldera, Hokkaido, Japan

    Yoshihiko Goto, Akihiko Tomiya, Ralf Gertisser,8th International Workshop of Collapse Calderas,IAVCEI Commition on Collapse Calderas,8th International Workshop of Collapse Calderas,(p.17),2023.09.21,イタリア ボルツアーノ,Italy

  • Lake-bottom geological surveys at Toya caldera, SW Hokkaido, japan


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Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display

  • 火山防災工学


  • 土木地質学(前半8週)


  • 地震・火山防災工学

    2024,Master's program

  • 土木地質学(前半8週)


  • 火山防災工学


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Education book 【 display / non-display

  • 日本の新生代火山岩の分布と産状

    2000,ラコリス, (p.CD-ROM),地質調査所

  • 道東の自然を歩く

    1999,知床硫黄山, (p.268),北海道大学図書刊行会

  • 日本の第四紀火山カタログ

    1999,知床岳、知床硫黄山, (p.CD-ROM),日本火山学会

  • 地学事典

    1997,ハイドロクラスタイト質岩石, (p.1143),平凡社

  • 続北海道自然の話

    1997,折り曲げられてできた火山の半島, (p.136),新生出版

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International research cooperation activities 【 display / non-display

  • Comaproson between Santorini and Toya caldera

    イギリス,Keele University,2022.04 ~ 2024.03

  • Conduit Drilling Project of Kuttara volcano

    オーストラリア,CODES, University of Tasmania,2022.09 ~ 2023.12

  • Co-Reserch on Collapse calderas

    イタリア,イタリア バリ大学,2018 ~ 2019

  • Caldera Project at Kutcahro

    オーストラリア,CODES, University of Tasmania,2018 ~ 2019

  • 屈斜路カルデラ共同研究プロジェクト

    オーストラリア,Tasmania University,2017.04 ~ 2018.03