Oishi Yoshihiko
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Fluid engineering
Frontier Technology (Aerospace Engineering, Marine and Maritime Engineering) / Marine engineering
Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
Drag reduction
Multiphase flow
Metal Hydride Actuator
Flow visualization
Research themes 【 display / non-display 】
Frictional drag reduction by injected bubbles
Bubbly flow,Drag reduction,Turbulent flow,2012.04 ~ 2024
Cold heat recovery by Metal Hydride
Metal hydride ,Actuator,Renewable energy,2017 ~ 2024
Carbon neutral fuel
Biodiesel fuel,Dual fuel mode engine,Biogas,2015.04 ~ 2024
Turbulent transition ,Vortex dynamics,Ultrasound measurement,2015.04 ~ 2023
Particle Image Velocimetry on large scale flow field
Fluidics,Flow visualization,Measurement,2012.04 ~ 2021
Research history 【 display / non-display 】
2006.04 ~ 2008.03
Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
University of Fukui
2005.03,Master's program,Graduate School, Division of Engineering,ファイバーアメニティ工学専攻,Completed
Hokkaido university
2008.03,Doctor's Course,Graduate School, Division of Engineering,エネルギー環境システム専攻,Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Bachelor of Degree
Master of Degree
Study on Mechanism of Frictional Drag Reduction by Bubbles
Career 【 display / non-display 】
JSPS Research Fellow (Hokkaido university)
2006.04 ~ 2008.03
Hokkaido university(Research Fellow)
2008.04 ~ 2009.03
Toyota central R&D Labs., Inc(Visiting Researcher)
2009.04 ~ 2011.03
Otsuka electronics Inc(Researcher)
2011.04 ~ 2012.03
Hokkaido university(Assistant Professor)
2012.03 ~ 2015.03
Academic Society 【 display / non-display 】
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Japanes Society for Multiphase Flow
The Visualization Society of Japan
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
Academic prize 【 display / non-display 】
2019年度日本混相流学会賞 論文賞
日本機械学会流体工学部門 貢献表彰
2009年度日本混相流学会賞 論文賞
流れの夢コンテスト 優秀賞 流体力学的札幌市
Maximization of ship friction resistance reduction by bubble cluster control
Purpose of Research
Frictional Drag Reduction by Injected BubblesWe are making continuing effort to improve Particle Image Velocimetry as applying these methods to a variety of flowfields where conventional techniques were impossible or invalid, targeting to clarify the essential flow characteristics in those configurations. Applying this method and the way of approach to solution, we select the research topics that will respond to industrial needs.
Summary of Research
Development of air bubble control technology that maximizes frictional drag reductionA frictional drag experienced by large ships accounts for approximately 80% of the total resistance the ship experiences. A method for reducing turbulent frictional drag using air bubbles has been developed, which has improved the efficiency of ship navigation speeds and saved energy. We are currently challenging ourselves to develop new technology that maximizes this mechanism. We are looking for talented students to join us in developing cutting-edge technology.
Features / Benefits of Research
1.Point of research | 2.Research of novelty |
3.Primacy of Technology | 4.Situation of patent-related |
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Ant-Nest Corrosion in Copper Tubes: Comparative Analysis of Carboxylic Acids and Their Carboxylate Environments
Tambang Manik, Masahiro Sakai, Riky Stepanus Situmorang, Hideki Kawai, Yoshihiko Oishi, Himsar Ambarita,Applied Surface Science,vol.685,(15),Article Number:161983,2025.03
Assessment of silica sand behavior around rotating square rod in cylindrical container via ultrasonic velocity profiling
Naruki Shoji, Yoshihiko Oishi, Shou Osanai, Kenta Kusumoto, Hiroshige Kikura, Hideki Kawai,Journal of visualization,2025.01
A Pathway for Implementing Ammonia Solutions as Fuel Blends for Achieving Low-Emission Combustion in Diesel Engines
Iman Kasih Telaumbanuaa, Kosuke Imai, Kazuyoshi Sasaki, Yoshihiko Oishi, Riky Stepanus Situmorang, Himsar Ambarita, Hideki Kawai,Journal of the Energy Institute,vol.116,Article Number:101750,2024.10
Solvent Effects on Particle Size of Alumina Produced by Corrosion and Sol-Gel Method
Daichi SASAKI, Zhang XIONG, Yoshihiko OISHI, Kenta KUSUMOTO, Hideki KAWAI,Materials Transactions,vol.65,(8),(p.941 ~ 945),2024.07
Wall shear stress measurement of turbulent bubbly flows using laser Doppler displacement sensor
Yoshihiko Oishi, Sho Onuma, Yuji Tasaka, Hyun Jin Park, Yuichi Murai, Hideki Kawai,Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,vol.96,Article Number:102546,2024.04
International conference proceedings 【 display / non-display 】
A study of emulsification and stability characteristics in ammonia solution - biodiesel emulsion fuel under different mixing conditions
Iman Kasih TELAUMBANUA, Yoshiaki YAGI, Yoshihiko OISHI, Riky Stepanus SITUMORANG, Himsar AMBARITA, and Hideki KAWAI,Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Smart City and Green Energy,(p.1),2024.12,Sydney
Measurement of silica-sand slurries in rotating flows by ultrasound velocity profiler
Sho Osanai, Yoshihiko Oishi, Kenta Kusumoto, Naruki Shoji, Hiroshige Kikura and Hideki Kawai,The 12th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Proceedings of ISMTMF 2023,(p.1 ~ 3),Article Number:B16,2023.11,Tokyo
Measurement of wall-shear-stress and bubble behaviors in horizontal channel flow on poly-dispersed conditions
Kaito Shimomura, Yoshihiko Oishi, Park Hyun Jin, Yuji Tasaka, Yuichi Murai and Hideki Kawai,The 12th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Proceedings of ISMTMF 2023,(p.1 ~ 3),Article Number:B14,2023.11,Tokyo
Development of low aspect ratio Taylor vortex bioreactor and flow analysis with ultrasonic measurement
Hideki Kawai, Yoshihiko Oishi,Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering,(p.1 ~ 4),2023.10,Kobe, Japan
Measurement of silica-sand behavior around rotating square cylinder in a circular container by ultrasound velocity profiler
Yoshihiko Oishi, Sho Osanai, Hideki Kawai, Hiroshige Kikura, Kenta Kusumoto,Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering,(p.27 ~ 30),2023.10,Kobe, Japan
Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display 】
Research reports 【 display / non-display 】
Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
キム デファン,佐々木宏洋,大石義彦,朴炫珍,田坂裕司,村井祐一,日本機械学会第102期流体工学部門講演会,講演論文集,(p.1-4),2024.11.19
テイラー渦中における珪砂粒子 を含むエロージョン・コロージョン 摩耗の評価
小山内勝,大石義彦,楠本賢太,荘司成煕,河合秀樹,日本鋳造工学会 第184回全国講演大会,講演論文集,(p.1),2024.10.26
八木佳亮,Iman Kasih Telaumbanua,大石義彦,河合秀樹,Himsar Ambarita,自動車技術会2024年秋季大会,講演論文集,(p.1-4),2024.10.23
佐々木宏洋,大石義彦,朴炫珍,田坂裕司, 村井祐一,混相流シンポジウム2024,日本混相流学会,講演論文集 ,(p.1-2),2024.09.04
山王千広,黒田陽暉,河合秀樹,大石義彦,楠本賢太,柴田 義光,第52回可視化情報シンポジウム,講演論文集,(p.1-4),2024.07.19,沖縄
Patent acquisition 【 display / non-display 】
Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display 】
International research cooperation activities 【 display / non-display 】
Biomass fuel evaluation and engine characteristics
インドネシア,University of Sumatera Utara,2022.04 ~ 2025.03
Biodiesel dual fuel mode engine characteristic survey
インドネシア,University of Sumatera Utara,2018.04 ~ 2025.03
Elucidation of the mechanism of ant nest corrosion
インドネシア,北スマトラ大学,2018.04 ~ 2025.03
Three dimensional measurement in Taylor-Couette bubbly flow
France,French Naval Academy /Ecole Navale,2017.09
Three dimensional measurement in Taylor-Couette bubbly flow
France,French Naval Academy /Ecole Navale,2016.09