Personnel Information


Kamegawa Atsunori

Affiliation centers1, etc

The Center for Rare Earths Research

The master's program in charge

Division of Production Systems Engineering

The doctoral program in charge

Division of Engineering

The department in charge

Department of Sciences and Informatics

Job title


E-mail Address

E-mail address

Research field 【 display / non-display

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic/coordination chemistry

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Structural materials and functional materials

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Energy chemistry

Keywords for Research Field 【 display / non-display

  • hydrogen storage alloy

  • hydrogen energy

  • hydrogen induced function

  • high pressure synthesis

  • magnetic material

Research themes 【 display / non-display

  • Enhancement of mechanical and functional properties and microstructural evolution for comercial alloys using hydrogen heat treatment.

    hydrogen heat treatment,hydrogen

  • High pressure synthesis of novle compouunds and their magnetic and electric properties

    high pressure synthesis

  • Development of hydrogen storage alloys with high performance and new functions

    hydrogen storage alloy

  • Exploration of novel hard-magnetic materials by using high pressure synthesis

    permanent magnet,high pressure synthesis,2012.10 ~

  • Development of superconducting hydride

    superconductor,hydride,2015.04 ~

Research history 【 display / non-display

  • 誘電体薄膜に関する研究

    1997.04 ~ 2010.03

Graduate school・Graduate course, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • Tohoku University

    1997.03,Master's Course,Graduate School of Engineering,Department of materials science,Completed,Japan

Graduate school・major, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • Tohoku University

    1995.03,Faculty of Engineering,Department of materials science,Graduate,Japan

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Doctor of Engineering

Career 【 display / non-display

  • Research Associate, Tohoku University

    1997.04.01 ~ 2007.03.31

  • Associate Professor, Tohoku University

    2007.04.01 ~ 2015.03.01

  • The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), PRESTO researcher

    2012.10.01 ~ 2016.03.31

Academic Society 【 display / non-display

  • The Magnetics Society of Japan

  • The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology

  • Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

  • The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

Academic prize 【 display / non-display

  • 文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞


  • 日本金属学会 功績賞(工業材料)


  • The Diploma for the best poster of the Poster Session III

    2004.09.10,International committee of Metal-Hydrogen Systems

  • 日本金属学会 論文賞


  • 日本金属学会 奨励賞


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 水素エネルギー利用拡大に向けた最新技術動向

    小島由継, 西脇文男,吉野正人,松本広重,立川貴士,南 祐輔,天尾 豊,阿部 竜,鈴木 肇,児玉竜也,市川貴之,久保真治,河村浩次,宮岡裕樹,花田信子,中川鉄水,伊藤直次,佐藤剛史,阿部孝之,小林大祐,岡田佳巳,神谷宏治,亀川厚則,近藤亮太,阿部真丈,河野龍興,礒部繁人,高野俊夫,田村元紀,坂田憲泰,竹市信彦,高井健一,圓島信也,菊地隆司,首藤登志夫,中村暢伴,鈴木健吾,山根史之,藤村 靖,シーエムシー出版,高性能 V 系水素吸蔵合金の開発,(p.338),2021.11,9784781316246

  • Development of Hydrogen Storage Materials and its Applications

    小島由継、秋葉悦男、石田政義、永嶋浩二、平尾一之、石坂整、相澤幹雄、上杉浩之、徐強、土屋文、加藤敦史、市川貴之、竹下博之、松尾元彰、折茂慎一、栗山信宏、宮岡裕樹、鶴井宣仁、橋本直幸、礒部繁人、大貫惣明、中川鉄水、亀川厚則、中東潤、岡田佳巳、井口昌幸、川波肇、姫田雄一郎、XingguoLi、SanjayKumar、AnkurJain,シーエムシー出版,第2章 高圧合成法による新規水素貯蔵材料の探索、第3章 水素中時効熱処理による合金の高機能化,(p.275),2016.04,978-4-7813-1150-0

  • レアメタルの代替材料とリサイクル《普及版》 (地球環境)

    原田幸明,中村崇,中谷亮一,稲葉信幸,熊井真次,阿部冨士雄,新家光雄,藤田静雄,杉本諭,片田康行,任暁兵,劉文鳳,髙木研一,藤本慎司,菅野了次,千野靖正,森浩亮,白仁田沙代子,山下弘巳,細野秀雄,若山裕,津﨑兼彰,亀川厚則,山口明,中東潤,山内美穂,岡田益男,藤田麻哉,西野洋一,土谷浩一,竹中康司,深道和明,袴田昌高,馬渕守,川添良幸,水関博志,佐原亮二,知京豊裕,中條寛,白鳥寿一,村上進亮,中村英次,井口剛寿,池ヶ谷明彦,天満屋泰彦,岡部徹,中田英子,シーエムシー出版,4. 材料中の水素誘起新機能,(p.350),2015.04,978-4-7813-1011-4

  • 水素利用技術集成 Vol. 4


  • 表面物性工学ハンドブック 第2版


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Papers 【 display / non-display

  • The origin of the highly crystallized face-centered cubic YH3 high-pressure phase when quenched to ambient condition

    Riki Kataoka, Noboru Taguchi, Mitsunori Kitta, Nobuhiko Takeichi, Reina, Utsumi, Hiroyuki, Saitoh, Masashi, Nozakic Atsunori Kamegawa,Materials Today Communications,vol.31,Article Number:103265,2022.06

  • Stability of Zirconium-Substituted Face-Centered Cubic Yttrium Hydride

    Riki Kataoka, Kohta Asano, Kouji Sakaki, Mitsunori Kitta, Kohei Tada, Tetsu Kiyobayashi, Hiroyuki Ozaki, Nobuhiko Takeichi, Shigenobu Hayashi, Toru Kimura, and Atsunori Kamegawa,Inorganic Chemistry,vol.60,(p.17715 ~ 17721),2021.11

  • High-pressure synthesis of a novel compound in Mg - Y system

    Siree Burapornpong, Shota Tsuchiya, Toru Kimura, Atsunori Kamegawa,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,vol.850,(5),Article Number:156754,2021.01

  • Face-Centered-Cubic Yttrium Trihydride High-Pressure Phase Stabilized at Ambient Pressures by Mechanical Milling

    Riki Kataoka, Toshikatsu Kojima, Kohei Tada, Mitsunori Kitta, Nobuhiko Takeichi, Kouji Sakaki, Masashi Nozaki, Toru Kimura, Atsunori Kamegawa,Materialia,vol.15,Article Number:100956,2020.11

  • Composition and microstructure of holmium monosulfide compacts processed by reaction sintering

    Tran Nhu Bien, Shinji Hirai, Inga G.Vasilyeva, Ruslan, Nikolaev, Chihiro Sekine, Atsunori Kamegawa, Kazuhei Wakiya, Yukihiro Kawamura,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Article Number:157872,2020.11

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Editorial and Commentary 【 display / non-display

  • 水素吸蔵合金とMHタンクの新しい可能性

    亀川厚則,Material stage,(3),2023.03

  • Journal of the Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan

    亀川厚則,水素エネルギーシステム,vol.46,(4),(p.255 ~ 262),2021.12

  • Development of V-based Hydrogen Absorbing Alloys with High Performance and Their Multi-Hydrogen Functions

    亀川厚則,月刊機能製材料,(8),(p.28 ~ 36),2020.08

  • エネルギー材料としての水素化物の研究開発

    折茂 慎一, 中村 優美子, 石川 和宏, 西村 睦, 亀川 厚則,日本金属学会誌 まてりあ,vol.56,(3),(p.130 ~ 134),2017.03

  • 材料における水素が誘起する新しい機能発現とその用途開発 室蘭工業大学 環境調和材料工学研究センター 亀川Gr.の紹介

    亀川厚則,水素エネルギーシステム,vol.40,(2),(p.36 ~ 37),2015.06

Presentaion at conference, meeting, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • High-pressure synthesis of new intermetallic compounds in Mg-TM systems and their hydrogen storage properties (TM=Transition Metals)

    Atsunori Kamegawa, Ryuki Horie, Siree Burapornpong, Toru Kimura,Thermec 2018,Thermec,Proceedings of Thermec 2018,2018.07.18,Paris,France

  • 水素吸蔵合金タンクを使った水素配送事業と技術課題

    亀川厚則,第17回水素若手研究会,第17回水素若手研究会予稿集,2023.08.23,早稲田大学(東京)/オンライン ハイブリッド

  • High-pressure synthesis of novel Mg-Y-Ni compounds in the region 0-50 at%Ni

    Siree Burapornpong, Atsunori Kamegawa,17th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2022),Metal-Hydrogen Systems ,17th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2022),2022.11.30,パース,Australia

  • Formation of Mg2Cu-type structure compounds due to RE elements (RE = Y, La) substituted in Mg2Ni using high-pressure synthesis and their hydrogenation properties

    Siree Burapornpong, Atsunori Kamegawa,日本金属学会「水素化物に関わる次世代学術・応用展開研究会」,日本金属学会,2022水素化物に関わる次世代学術・応用展開研究会概要集,2022.12.01

  • FCC-YH3相の安定化機構に関する研究

    大沼竜介, Siree Burapornpong, 亀川厚則,日本金属学会「水素化物に関わる次世代学術・応用展開研究会」,日本金属学会,2022水素化物に関わる次世代学術・応用展開研究会概要集,2022.12.01

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Patent acquisition 【 display / non-display

  • アンモニア合成用触媒



Class subject in charge 【 display / non-display

  • 環境科学(Eクラス)


  • 物質科学(Bクラス)


  • 物質科学(Aクラス)


  • 材料科学B(後半8週)


  • 環境材料学

    2024,Master's program

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